The main news is that I've completely rewritten the code that creates my road network. It makes a much more realistic network now that connects together 30 bases scattered around the map. The old method used to result in roads that ran parallel to each other in a nonsensicle fashion. The new algorithm connects roads and bases together using the shortest route available.
I've also got the bases so that you can drive into and out of them now, lots of weather effects to go with the day/night cycle and a major improvement to the HUD to show the direction of nearby vhicles. That last improvement has settled some worries about how difficult the combat was when fighting other cars. Because of the small screen, enemies quickly leave the viewing area especially when engaged head on. Now that I have colour coded indicators to show where other cars are even when they are off screen, its much easier to engage and fight them.
Next I'm going to be working on the gathering of resources and constructing new components aspect of the gameplay. I'm looking forward to this as its going to be a key gameplay feature and I'm quite proud of the system I've come up with for the manufature of new parts.
I'm getting married in three weeks time and then I'm off on my honeymoon. I'll see if I can post some screenshots inside the base and of the new road networks before that.
I've also got the bases so that you can drive into and out of them now, lots of weather effects to go with the day/night cycle and a major improvement to the HUD to show the direction of nearby vhicles. That last improvement has settled some worries about how difficult the combat was when fighting other cars. Because of the small screen, enemies quickly leave the viewing area especially when engaged head on. Now that I have colour coded indicators to show where other cars are even when they are off screen, its much easier to engage and fight them.
Next I'm going to be working on the gathering of resources and constructing new components aspect of the gameplay. I'm looking forward to this as its going to be a key gameplay feature and I'm quite proud of the system I've come up with for the manufature of new parts.
I'm getting married in three weeks time and then I'm off on my honeymoon. I'll see if I can post some screenshots inside the base and of the new road networks before that.